location |
Lebedev Institute, Moscow
dates |
organizer |
sponsors |
- Dmitry Zimin Foundation Dynasty
- Russian Academy of Sciences
- Russian Foundation for Basic Research
topics |
A preliminary list of topics to be covered includes:
- High-Energy Astrophysics
- Astrophysics of Black Holes
- Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Many-Body Quantum Systems
- Quantum Liquids and Quantum Coherence
- Strong Correlation Effects and High-Tc Superconductors
- High-Energy Physics
- Quantum Field Theory
- Superstrings
- Higher-Spin Gauge Theory
- Particle and String Cosmology: Origins of Structure and Dark Energy
- Quantum and Higher Dimensions Gravity
scientific program |
Sessions will be in the P.N.Lebedev Physical Insitute (53, Leninsky Prospect).
Scentific Program will be mainly
composed of invited talks.
A limited number of suggested talks may be accepted.
Proposals can be submitted via
Suggested Talk Application Form
before March 15, 2009.
international advisory committee |
I.Antoniadis (CERN)
J.Bekenstein (Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem)
L.Brink (Chalmers Univ., Goteborg)
B.de Wit (Univ. of Utrecht)
V.Fainberg (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
P.Fulde (Max Plank Inst., Dresden)
V.Ginzburg (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
D.Gross (Kavli Inst., Santa Barbara)
M.Henneaux (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles)
A.Linde (Stanford Univ.)
J.Maldacena (IAS, Princeton)
G.Mesyats (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
V.Mukhanov (LMU, Munich)
R.Narayan (Harvard Univ., Cambridge)
L.Okun (ITEP, Moscow)
T.M.Rice (ETH, Zurich)
V.Ritus (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
V.Rubakov (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow)
M.Sadovskii (Inst. of Electrophysics, Ekaterinburg)
A.Sagnotti (Rome Univ. Tor Vergata & INFN, Rome)
J.Schwarz (California Inst. of Technology)
M.Scully (Texas A&M Univ.)
N.Seiberg (IAS, Princeton)
A.Slavnov (Steklov Inst., Moscow)
A.Starobinsky (Landau Inst., Moscow)
W.Unruh (Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver)
S.Weinberg (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
local organizing committee |
L.Keldysh (Lebedev Inst.) - Chairman
B.Altshuler (Lebedev Inst.),
P.Arseev (Lebedev Inst.),
A.Barvinsky (Lebedev Inst.),
V.Beskin (Lebedev Inst.),
V.Dogiel (Lebedev Inst.),
I.Dremin (Lebedev Inst.),
A.Gurevich (Lebedev Inst.),
O.Ivanov (Lebedev Inst.),
M.Kalenkov (Lebedev Inst.),
O.Loiko (Lebedev Inst.),
S.Loiko (Lebedev Inst.),
E.Maksimov (Lebedev Inst.),
R.Metsaev (Lebedev Inst.),
D.Nesterov (Lebedev Inst.),
A.Semikhatov (Lebedev Inst.),
O.Shaynkman (Lebedev Inst.),
M.Soloviev (Lebedev Inst.),
A.Tseytlin (Imperial Coll., London)
I.Tyutin (Lebedev Inst.),
M.Vasiliev (Lebedev Inst.) - Vice-Chairman,
B.Voronov (Lebedev Inst.),
V.Zaikin (Lebedev Inst.) - Vice-Chairman
participation fee |
The registration fee is Euro 300 for participants and Euro 150 for
accompanying persons. The fee covers a welcome party, the banquet, coffee breaks and other organizational costs.
The hotel prices are expected to vary from Euro 120 to 200 per night depending on the hotel
social program |
The Organizing Committee is planning to arrange a Moscow sightseeing tour,
visits to museums, theaters, etc. for an extra charge. A special social
program for the accompanying persons will also be organized
Social program details
public lecture |
In conjunction with the 4th International Sakharov Conference on Physics being held in the
Lebedev Institute, there will be free public lecture, which should be of interest to a general
scientific audience and to many members of the general public.
Public lecture will be held on Sunday, May 17, 2009, at 12.00.
It is open to everyone and admission is free.
Chris Llewellyn Smith (ITER Council and Consultative Committee for Euratom on Fusion)
The Path to Fusion Power
Public Lecture are organized and sponsored by the Dmitry Zimin Dynasty
Foundation (Russia), one of the first Russian family foundations (www.dynastyfdn.com), which
specializes in support and promotion of fundamental research
poster |
past conferences |
The Conference is a continuation of the series of Sakharov International
Conferences held in 1991, 1996, 2002 as well as the Fradkin Memorial Conference held in 2000 and
the 2005 Conference dedicated to the 70-year aniversary of the Tamm Theory
First International Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow, May 27 - 31, 1991
Second International Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow, May 20 - 24, 1996
International Conference "Quantization, Gauge Theory, and Strings", Moscow, June 5 - 10, 2000
Third International Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow, June 24 - 29, 2002
International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Moscow, April 11 - 16, 2005
© 2008, 2009, Tamm Theory Department
Last update: March 19, 2009