Bordag M. (Leipzig Univ.)
Vacuum Energy in Quantum Field Theory - Status, Problems and Recent Advances
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Elizalde E. (Consejo Superior de Invest. Cientificas, Barselona)
Vacuum Fluctuations and Cosmology
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Esposito G. (INFN, Naples)
Casimir Apparatuses in a Weak Gravitational Field
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Fulling S. (Texas A&M Univ.) K.Kirsten |
Cosmological Pistons
Gavrilov S. (Herzen State Pedagog. Univ., S.-Petersburg) Gitman D. |
Generalized Heisenberg-Euler Energy and Time Scales for Strong Electric Field Depletion
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Kosyakov B. (VNIIEF, Sarov)
The Self-Interaction Problem in Classical Electrodynamics of Even-Dimensional Spacetimes
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Lebedev S. (Surgut State Univ.)
Spin-Dependent Part of the Mass Shift in Quantum and Classical Electrodynamics
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Lobanov A. (Dep. of Theoretical Physics, Moscow Univ.)
Pure Quantum States of Particles with Rotating Spin
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Nesterenko V. (JINR, Dubna)
Vacuum Energy of Electromagnetic Field in the Background of Cosmic String of a Finite Thickness
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Zhukovsky V. (Moscow State Univ.) Bubnov A., Kharlanov O. |
Vacuum Polarization and Casimir Effect within (3+1)D Maxwell-Chern-Simons Electrodynamics with Lorentz Violation
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