Beskin V. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Andrianov A. |
Limiting Polarization - Missing Link in the Theory of the Pulsar Radio Emission
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Bisikalo D. (Inst. of Astronomy, Moscow)
3D Modeling of Accretion Disks in Close Binaries: Shocks and Density Waves
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Bisnovatyi-Kogan G. (Space Research Inst., Moscow)
Gamma Ray Bursts, Soft Gamma Repeaters, and Magnetars
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Bogovalov S. (Moscow Engineering Physics Inst.) Kelner S. |
Plasma Outflow from Dissipationless Accretion Discs
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Breitschwerdt D. (Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Technical Univ. Berlin)
Modelling the Interstellar Medium in Star Forming Galaxies
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Brunetti G. (Italian Nat. Inst. for Astrophysics, Bolognia)
Mergers between Clusters of Galaxies and Acceleration of High Energy Particles
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Bulanov S. (Kansai Photon Science Inst., Kyoto)
Relativistic Laboratory Astrophysics with Relativistic Laser Plasmas
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Cherepashchuk A. (Sternberg Inst., Moscow)
SS 433 - a Supercritically Accreting Microquasar with Black Hole
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Chernin A. (Sternberg Inst., Moscow)
Dark Energy in the Local Universe
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Churazov E. (Max Planck Inst. for Astrophysics, Garching & Space Research Inst., Moscow)
AGN Feedback in Elliptical Galaxies and Clusters
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Coppi B. (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Cambridge)
High Energy Plasmas, General Relativity and Collective Modes in the Vicinity of Black Holes
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Dogiel V. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Chernyshov D., Yuasa T., Tatischeff V., Prokhorov D., Cheng K.-S., Bamba A., Ichimura A., Inoue H., Ko C.-M., Kokubun M., Maeda Y., Mitsuda K., Nakazawa K., Yamasaki N. |
Hard X-rays from the Galactic Center: Theory and Interpretation
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Dokuchaev V. (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow)
Small Scale Dark Matter Clumps in the Galaxy
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Dudas E. (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
(In)vizible Z' and Dark Matter
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Fridman A. (Inst. of Astronomy, Moscow)
Prediction and Discovery of Extremely Strong Hydrodynamic Instabilities due to a Velocity Jump: Theory and Experiments
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Fronsdal C. (Univ. of California, Los Angeles)
Heat and Gravitation
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Gnedin Yu. (Central Astronomical Observatory, Pulkovo)
Axion Astronomy: The Basic Stages of Axion Searches by Astronomical Methods
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Grigorenko E. (Space Research Inst., Moscow) Zelenyi L. |
Non-Adiabatic Ion Acceleration in the Current Sheet of the Earth Magnetotail
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Gurzadyan V. (Yerevan Physics Inst.)
CMB, Structure, Backreaction
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Istomin Ya. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Synchrotron Radiation of a Pulsar Wind
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Khriplovich I. (Budker Inst. of Nuclear Phys., Novosibirsk)
Capture of Galactic Dark Matter by the Solar System
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Ko C.-M. (Inst. of Astronomy and Dep. of Physics, National Central Univ., Taiwan)
Cosmic Ray Acceleration and Its Evidences in Heliospherical Shocks
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Kocharovsky V. (Inst. of Applied Physics, N.Novgorod & Texas A&M Univ.) Kocharovsky Vl., Martyanov V. |
Self-Consistent Current Structures in Relativistic Collisionless Plasmas: Exact Solutions for Broad Classes of Particle Distributions
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Lukash V. (Astro Space Center, Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Rise and Fall of Structure Formation in the Universe
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Melatos A. (Univ. of Melbourne)
Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars: Probing Quantum Fluids at Nuclear Densities
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Melrose D. (Univ. of Sydney)
Quantum Plasmadynamics and Quantum Fluid Models
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Nagataki S. (Yukawa Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto Univ.)
Toward Understanding GRB-Supernova Connection and Central Engine of Long GRB
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Neznamov V. (VNIIEF, Sarov)
The Isotopic Foldy-Wouthuysen Representation as a Possible Key to Understanding the Dark Matter
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Novikov I. (Astro Space Center, Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Wormholes and Multiverse
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Odintsov S. (Space Research Inst. ICE-CSIC, Barcelona)
The Introduction to Modified Gravity as Dark Energy and Inflation
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Rafikov R. (Princeton Univ.)
Gravitationally Unstable Accretion Disks
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Rengel M. (Max Planck Inst. for Solar System Research, Lindau)
Tracing High Energy Radiation with Molecular Lines Emitted by the Deeply Embedded Protostar L1634
Royzen I. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
QCD Against Black Holes?
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Sobyanin D. (Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology) Istomin Ya. |
Formation of a Pulsar Magnetosphere from a Strongly Magnetized Vacuum
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Sokoloff D. (Moscow Univ.) Artyushkova M., Popova H. |
Solar Cycle: New Asymptotic Solutions for Dynamo Equations
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Sol H. (Observ. de Paris-Meudon)
Observing the Sky at Very High Energy Gamma-Rays: Current Results and Perspective with CTA, the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Tatischeff V. (CSNSM (CNRS/IN2P3 & Univ. Paris-Sud))
Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in Radio Supernovae
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Toptygin I. (S.-Petersburg State Polytechnical Univ.)
Large Scale Magnetic Field Generation by Accelerated Particles in Galactic Medium
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Uzdensky D. (Princeton Univ.)
Magnetic Reconnection in Astrophysics
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Zakharov A. (ITEP, Moscow)
Gravitational Lensing: from Micro to Nano
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