Allen B. (Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover)
Gravitational Wave Astronomy
|  |
Altshuler B. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Unexpected Physical Contents of the Fluxbrane Throat-Like Solutions in Type IIA and Type IIB Supergravities
|  |
Andreev O. (Techn.Univ., Munich & Landau Inst., Chernogolovka)
String Free Energy, Hagedorn and Gauge/String Duality
|  |
Andrianov A. (Univ. of Barselona, ICCUB & S.-Petersburg Univ.) Cannata F., Kamenshchik A., Regoli D. |
Stable Phantom Cosmology Based on (C)PT Symmetry
|  |
Andrianov A. (Univ. of Barselona, ICCUB & S.-Petersburg Univ.) Andrianov V., Espriu D. |
Spontaneous Parity Violation in Hot and Dense Baryon Matter in QCD Motivated Hadronic Models
|  |
Antoniadis I. (CERN)
Aspects of String Phenomenology
|  |
Arefeva I. (Steklov Inst., Moscow)
Catalysis of Black Holes Production at the LHC
|  |
Arutyunov G. (Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht Univ.)
Towards the Exact Spectrum of the AdS5 x S5 Superstring. I
|  |
Babichev E. (AstroParticle and Cosmology, Univ. Paris VII)
Spherically Symmetric Solutions in Massive Gravity and the Vainshtein Mechanism
|  |
Bandos I. (Ikerbasque, Basque Country Univ.)
SDiff Invariant Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson Model and Its N=8 Superspace Formulation(s)
|  |
Barnich G. (Universite Libre de Bruxelles & International Solvay Institutes)
New Aspects of Duality for Electromagnetism, Gravitation and Higher Spin Gauge Fields
|  |
Bars I. (Univ. of Southern California)
Super Yang-Mills Theory in 10+2 Dimensions as Another Step toward M-Theory
Barvinsky A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
CFT Driven Cosmology and the DGP/CFT Correspondence
|  |
Baulieu L. (LPTHE, Univ. Paris VI)
Soft Breaking of BRST Invariance for Introducing Non-Perturbative Infrared Effects in a Local and Renormalizable Way
| |
Beisert N. (Max Planck Inst. for Gravitational Phys., Golm)
Dynamic N = 4 Superconformal Symmetry
|  |
Bekaert X. (LMPT, Univ. of Tours)
On Higher Spin Interactions with a Scalar Field
Belavin A. (Landau Inst., Chernogolovka) Zamolodchikov A. |
On the Correlation Numbers in Minimal Gravity and Matrix Models
|  |
Belotelov I. (JINR, Dubna)
Dimuon physics with CMS
|  |
Belzig W. (Univ. of Konstanz)
Time-Resolved Counting Statistics for a Quantum Point Contact
|  |
Bengtsson A. (School of Engineering, Univ. of Boras)
Spacetime Pictures of Higher Spin Gauge Interactions
|  |
Berezin V. (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow)
Classical Analogs of Quantum Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom Black Holes
| |
Bergshoeff E. (Univ. of Groningen)
A New Massive Gravity Theory in Three Dimnesions
|  |
Bering K. (Masaryk Univ., Brno)
A Comparative Study of Laplacians in Riemannian and Antisymplectic Geometry
|  |
Beskin V. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Andrianov A. |
Limiting Polarization - Missing Link in the Theory of the Pulsar Radio Emission
|  |
Bisikalo D. (Inst. of Astronomy, Moscow)
3D Modeling of Accretion Disks in Close Binaries: Shocks and Density Waves
| |
Bisnovatyi-Kogan G. (Space Research Inst., Moscow)
Gamma Ray Bursts, Soft Gamma Repeaters, and Magnetars
| |
Bogovalov S. (Moscow Engineering Physics Inst.) Kelner S. |
Plasma Outflow from Dissipationless Accretion Discs
|  |
Boos E. (Skobeltsyn Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Moscow Univ.)
Top Quark Physics
|  |
Bordag M. (Leipzig Univ.)
Vacuum Energy in Quantum Field Theory - Status, Problems and Recent Advances
|  |
Boulanger N. (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
The Unfolding of General Tensor Fields in AdS
|  |
Breitschwerdt D. (Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Technical Univ. Berlin)
Modelling the Interstellar Medium in Star Forming Galaxies
|  |
Brink L. (Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Goteborg)
Exceptional Symmetries in the Light-Cone Gauge and Possible Counter Terms
|  |
Brunetti G. (Italian Nat. Inst. for Astrophysics, Bolognia)
Mergers between Clusters of Galaxies and Acceleration of High Energy Particles
|  |
Buchbinder I. (Dep. of Theoretical Physics, Tomsk State Pedagogical Univ.)
Gauge Invariant Approach to Lagrangian Constructions for Higher Spin Field Theories
|  |
Bulanov S. (Kansai Photon Science Inst., Kyoto)
Relativistic Laboratory Astrophysics with Relativistic Laser Plasmas
|  |
Campoleoni A. (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
Lagrangians for Unconstrained Bose and Fermi Fields of Mixed Symmetry
| |
Cederwall M. (Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Goteborg)
Operators on Pure Spinor Spaces
| |
Chen C.-M. (Nation Central Univ., Taiwan)
Dilatonic Black Holes in Gauss-Bonnet Gravity
|  |
Cherepashchuk A. (Sternberg Inst., Moscow)
SS 433 - a Supercritically Accreting Microquasar with Black Hole
| |
Chernin A. (Sternberg Inst., Moscow)
Dark Energy in the Local Universe
|  |
Churazov E. (Max Planck Inst. for Astrophysics, Garching & Space Research Inst., Moscow)
AGN Feedback in Elliptical Galaxies and Clusters
| |
Coppi B. (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Cambridge)
High Energy Plasmas, General Relativity and Collective Modes in the Vicinity of Black Holes
|  |
Danilov M. (ITEP, Moscow)
Physics and Detectors at ILC
|  |
de Boer J. (Inst. Theoretical Phys., Amsterdam)
Macroscopic Quantum Effects near Black Holes
| |
de Teramond G. (Univ. of Costa Rica) Brodsky S. |
Light-Front Holography and Gauge/Gravity Duality: Applications to Hadronic Physics
de Wit B. (Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht Univ.)
Near-Horizon Analysis of D=5 BPS Black Holes and Rings
| |
Diakonov D. (S.-Petersburg Nuclear Physics Inst.) Petrov V. |
Confinement from Dyons
|  |
Didenko V. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Vasiliev M. |
Towards Black Holes in Higher Spin Gauge Theory
|  |
Dogiel V. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Chernyshov D., Yuasa T., Tatischeff V., Prokhorov D., Cheng K.-S., Bamba A., Ichimura A., Inoue H., Ko C.-M., Kokubun M., Maeda Y., Mitsuda K., Nakazawa K., Yamasaki N. |
Hard X-rays from the Galactic Center: Theory and Interpretation
|  |
Dokuchaev V. (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow)
Small Scale Dark Matter Clumps in the Galaxy
|  |
Dorn H. (Humboldt Univ. Berlin)
On Timelike and Spacelike Minimal Surfaces in AdSn and the Alday-Maldacena Conjecture
|  |
Dremin I. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
QCD in the Nuclear Matter and Cherenkov Gluons
|  |
Dudas E. (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
(In)vizible Z' and Dark Matter
|  |
Efetov K. (Ruhr Univ., Bochum) Altshuler B., Syzranov S. |
Transport in a Network of Josephson Junctions in the Insulating State
|  |
Efimov G. (JINR, Dubna)
On Bound States in QFT
|  |
Elizalde E. (Consejo Superior de Invest. Cientificas, Barselona)
Vacuum Fluctuations and Cosmology
|  |
Esposito G. (INFN, Naples)
Casimir Apparatuses in a Weak Gravitational Field
|  |
Filippov A. (JINR, Dubna)
On Einstein - Weyl Unified Model of Gravity, Dark Energy and Dark Matter: a Brief History and the New Interpretation, Simplest Dimensional Reductions, Static and Cosmological Solutions
|  |
Forini V. (Max Planck Inst. for Gravitational Phys., Golm)
Reciprocity in AdS/CFT
Francia D. (AstroParticle and Cosmology, Univ. Paris VII)
On Unconstrained Higher Spins of Any Symmetry
Fridman A. (Inst. of Astronomy, Moscow)
Prediction and Discovery of Extremely Strong Hydrodynamic Instabilities due to a Velocity Jump: Theory and Experiments
| |
Frolov A. (Simon Frazer Univ.)
Primordial Non-Gaussianity from Preheating
|  |
Frolov S. (Trinity College, Dublin)
Towards the Exact Spectrum of the AdS5 x S5 superstring. II
Frolov V. (Univ. of Alberta)
Black Holes and Hidden Symmetries
|  |
Fronsdal C. (Univ. of California, Los Angeles)
Heat and Gravitation
|  |
Fulde P. (Max Planck Inst. for Phys. of Complex Systems, Dresden & Asia Pacific Center for Theor. Physics, Pohang)
Fractional Charges on Frustrated Lattices
|  |
Fulling S. (Texas A&M Univ.) K.Kirsten |
Cosmological Pistons
Fursaev D. (JINR, Dubna)
Quantum Entanglement, Topology, and Entropy of a Wormhole
| |
Gavrilov S. (Herzen State Pedagog. Univ., S.-Petersburg) Gitman D. |
Generalized Heisenberg-Euler Energy and Time Scales for Strong Electric Field Depletion
|  |
Giddings S. (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara)
Think Globally - Observe Locally
|  |
Ginzburg I. (Sobolev Inst. of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
Phase Transitions in 2HDM During Universe Expansion and Present Values of Parameters. Problems for ILC & LHC
|  |
Gnedin Yu. (Central Astronomical Observatory, Pulkovo)
Axion Astronomy: The Basic Stages of Axion Searches by Astronomical Methods
|  |
Gorsky A. (ITEP, Moscow)
Quantum Geometry of the Momentum Space and Amplitudes in N=4 SYM Theory
|  |
Grib A. (Herzen State Pedagog. Univ., S.-Petersburg) Pavlov Yu. |
On the Hypothesis of Superheavy Particles as Particles of Dark Matter
|  |
Grigoriev M. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Local BRST Cohomology and the Inverse Problem of Variational Calculus for Sigma Models of AKSZ Type
|  |
Grigorenko E. (Space Research Inst., Moscow) Zelenyi L. |
Non-Adiabatic Ion Acceleration in the Current Sheet of the Earth Magnetotail
|  |
Gurzadyan V. (Yerevan Physics Inst.)
CMB, Structure, Backreaction
|  |
Hull C. (Imperial College, London)
Double Field Theory, String Theory and Duality
|  |
Iazeolla C. (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
A Fibre Approach to Harmonic Analysis of Unfolded Higher-Spin Field Equations
|  |
Ioffe B. (ITEP, Moscow)
Chirality violating vacuum condensates in QCD
| |
Istomin Ya. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Synchrotron Radiation of a Pulsar Wind
|  |
Itoyama H. (Osaka City Univ.)
Deviation of Ads Minimal Area from BDS Extrapolation at a Wavy Circle
|  |
Kadyshevsky V. (JINR, Dubna)
On New Concept of Local Quantum Field
|  |
Kagan M. (Kapitza Inst. for Physical Problems, Moscow) Kugel K. |
Nanoscale Phase-Separation in Manganites
|  |
Kaidalov A. (ITEP, Moscow)
Nuclear Shadowing and Heavy Ion Collisions
|  |
Kamenev A. (Univ. of Minnesota)
Dynamic Correlation Functions of 1D Quantum Liquids
Kamenshchik A. (Univ. of Bologna, Landau Inst., Chernogolovka) Barvinsky A., Kiefer C., Starobinsky A., Steinwachs C. |
Asymptotic Freedom in Inflationary Cosmology with a Non-Minimally Coupled Higgs Field
|  |
Katanaev M. (Steklov Inst., Moscow)
Inside the BTZ Black Hole
|  |
Kazakov D. (JINR, Dubna & ITEP, Moscow) Bork L., Vartanov G., Zhiboedov A. |
Infrared-Finite Observables in N=4 SYM Theory
|  |
Kazakov V. (Ecole Normale Superieure & Univ. Paris VI)
Towards the Full Exact Spectrum of Planar AdS/CFT
| |
Kharzeev D. (Brookhaven National Lab.)
Topologically Induced Local P and CP Violation in Hot QCD Matter
| |
Khriplovich I. (Budker Inst. of Nuclear Phys., Novosibirsk)
Capture of Galactic Dark Matter by the Solar System
|  |
Kikoin K. (Ben-Gurion Univ., Tel-Aviv)
Keldysh Model in Time Domain
Klebanov I. (Princeton Univ.)
The Squashed, Stretched and Warped Gets Perturbed
|  |
Ko C.-M. (Inst. of Astronomy and Dep. of Physics, National Central Univ., Taiwan)
Cosmic Ray Acceleration and Its Evidences in Heliospherical Shocks
|  |
Kocharovsky V. (Inst. of Applied Physics, N.Novgorod & Texas A&M Univ.) Kocharovsky Vl., Martyanov V. |
Self-Consistent Current Structures in Relativistic Collisionless Plasmas: Exact Solutions for Broad Classes of Particle Distributions
|  |
Kopaev Yu. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Gorbatsevich A. |
Toroidal Ordered States in Solids
|  |
Koshelev A. (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles & International Solvay Institutes)
String Field Theory Rolling Tachion, Non-Locality and Dark Energy
| |
Kosyakov B. (VNIIEF, Sarov)
The Self-Interaction Problem in Classical Electrodynamics of Even-Dimensional Spacetimes
|  |
Kotikov A. (JINR, Dubna)
Small-x Behavior of Parton Densities and the Structure Function F2 for "Frozen" and Analytic Strong-Coupling Constants
|  |
Krykhtin V. (Tomsk State Pedagogical Univ.)
Lagrangian Formulation of Massive Fermionic Totally Antisymmetric Tensor Field Theory in AdSd Space
| |
Kulic M. (Goethe Univ. Frankfurt, Theoretical Physics) E.Maksimov |
Bosonic Spectral Function and the Electron-Phonon Interaction in HTSC Cuprates
|  |
Lavrov P. (Tomsk State Pedagogical Univ.)
BRST Structure for Quadratically Nonlinear Superalgebras
|  |
Lebedev S. (Surgut State Univ.)
Spin-Dependent Part of the Mass Shift in Quantum and Classical Electrodynamics
|  |
Leonidov A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Kirakosyan M., Nechitailo V. |
Stochastic Jet Quenching in Nuclear Collisions
|  |
Linde A. (Stanford Univ.)
Inflationary Multiverse and String Theory Landscape
|  |
Lipatov L. (S.-Petersburg Nuclear Physics Inst. & Hamburg Univ.)
Integrability of high energy scattering amplitudes in QCD and in N=4 SUSY
|  |
Llewellyn Smith C. (Oxford Univ.)
The Role of Sum Rules in the Discovery of the Standard Model
|  |
Lobanov A. (Dep. of Theoretical Physics, Moscow Univ.)
Pure Quantum States of Particles with Rotating Spin
|  |
Lozovik Yu. (Inst. of Spectroscopy, Troitsk)
Collective Properties and Coherent Phases of Graphene
|  |
Lukash V. (Astro Space Center, Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Rise and Fall of Structure Formation in the Universe
|  |
Lukierski J. (Univ. of Wroclaw)
Galilean Conformal and Superconformal Symmetries
| |
Lyakhovich S. (Tomsk Univ.)
Gauge Symmetry of Local Non-Lagrangian Dynamics
|  |
Makeenko Yu. (ITEP, Moscow)
Duality between Wilson Loops and Scattering Amplitudes in QCD
|  |
Maksimov E. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Lepeshkin S., Magnitskaya M. |
Peculiarities of Lattice Dynamics and the Melting of Alkali Metals
|  |
Man'ko V. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Probability Instead of Wave Function - a Review of New Theoretical and Experimental Results
| |
Manvelyan R. (Yerevan Physics Inst.)
Off-Shell Construction of Some Trilinear Higher Spin Gauge Field Interactions
|  |
Matveev A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Didenko V., Vasiliev M. |
Unfolded Description of AdS4 Black Hole
|  |
Marshakov A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow & ITEP, Moscow) Yung A. |
Monodromies and Confinement in Supersymmetric QCD
|  |
McLoughlin T. (Max Planck Inst. for Gravitational Phys., Golm)
Scattering Amplitudes in Supersymmetric Chern-Simons Matter Theories
| |
Meierovich B. (Kapitza Inst. for Physical Problems, Moscow)
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Multidimensional Gravity. Vector Order Parameter
|  |
Melatos A. (Univ. of Melbourne)
Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars: Probing Quantum Fluids at Nuclear Densities
| |
Mel'nikov A. (Inst. for Physics of Microstructures, N.Novgorod)
Localized Superconductivity and Little-Parks Effect in Superconductor/Ferromagnet Hybrids
|  |
Melrose D. (Univ. of Sydney)
Quantum Plasmadynamics and Quantum Fluid Models
|  |
Mensky M. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Path Group and Quantum Equivalence Principle
|  |
Mironov A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow & ITEP, Moscow)
Matrix Models Inspired Constructions for Topological Theories
|  |
Mottola E. (Los Alamos National Lab.)
Macroscopic Quantum Effects in Gravity: Dark Energy and Condensate Stars
| |
Nagataki S. (Yukawa Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto Univ.)
Toward Understanding GRB-Supernova Connection and Central Engine of Long GRB
| |
Nesterenko V. (JINR, Dubna)
Vacuum Energy of Electromagnetic Field in the Background of Cosmic String of a Finite Thickness
| |
Neznamov V. (VNIIEF, Sarov)
The Isotopic Foldy-Wouthuysen Representation as a Possible Key to Understanding the Dark Matter
|  |
Novikov I. (Astro Space Center, Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Wormholes and Multiverse
| |
Novikov V. (ITEP, Moscow)
Radiative Corrections, New Physics and LHC
|  |
Odintsov S. (Space Research Inst. ICE-CSIC, Barcelona)
The Introduction to Modified Gravity as Dark Energy and Inflation
|  |
Olshanetsky M. (ITEP, Moscow)
Monopoles and Integrable Systems
|  |
Ovchinnikov S. (Inst. of Physics, Krasnoyarsk & Siberian Federal Univ., Krasnoyarsk) Shneyder E. |
Isotope Effect, Phonon and Magnetic Mechanism of Pairing in High-Tc Cuprates in Strong Electron Correlaten Limit
Papadopoulos G. (King's College London)
Geometry Supersymmetric Backgrounds
|  |
Polikarpov M. (ITEP, Moscow)
Lattice Study of Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Gluodynamics with Background Magnetic Field
|  |
Pruisken A. (Univ. of Amsterdam)
Exact Haldane Mapping for All S and Super Universality in Spin Chains
|  |
Rafikov R. (Princeton Univ.)
Gravitationally Unstable Accretion Disks
|  |
Rengel M. (Max Planck Inst. for Solar System Research, Lindau)
Tracing High Energy Radiation with Molecular Lines Emitted by the Deeply Embedded Protostar L1634
Reshetnyak A. (Inst. of Strength Physics and Material Scien., Tomsk)
BFV-BRST Operators and Fock Space Realizations of Verma Modules for Non-Linear Superalgebras Underlying Lagrangian Formulations for Mixed-Symmetry HS Fields in AdS Spaces
|  |
Roiban R. (Pennsylvania State Univ.)
Scattering Amplitudes in N=4 Super-Yang-Mills and N=8 Supergravity
| |
Rostovtsev Yu. (Texas A&M Univ.) Scully M. |
Nonlinear Optics Controlled by Quantum Coherence
|  |
Royzen I. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
QCD Against Black Holes?
|  |
Rubakov V. (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow)
Towards a Consistent Theory of Massive Spin-2 Field of Geometric Origin
|  |
Rubtsov A. (Moscow Univ.)
Dual-Fermion Approach to Spatial Nonlocality of Correlated Electrons
|  |
Rychkov V. (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
The Miracle of Conformal Bootstrap in 4-Dimensions
|  |
Sadovskii M. (Inst. of Electrophysics, Ekaterinburg)
Multiple Bands - a Key to High - Temperature Superconductivity in Iron Arsenides?
|  |
Samsonov I. (Tomsk Polytechnic Univ.)
N=3 Superfield Formulation of the ABJM and BLG Models
|  |
Samtleben H. (Univ. of Lyon)
Tensor Hierarchies and the Trombone
| |
Sasaki M. (Kyoto Univ.)
Non-Gaussian Curvature Perturbations from Multi-Brid Inflation
|  |
Sawicki I. (CCPP, New York Univ.)
Dark Matter via Many Copies of the Standard Model
|  |
Semikhatov A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Kazhdan–Lusztig Duality in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory
|  |
Sibiryakov S. (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne & Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) Dubovsky S. |
Sigma Models for Lorentz Group and Superluminal Propagation in Two Dimensions
|  |
Simonov Yu. (ITEP, Moscow)
Gluelumps and Confinement
|  |
Sissakian A. (JINR, Dubna) Sorin A. |
The Nuclotron-Based Ion Collider Facility at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research: New Prospects for Heavy Ion Collisions and Spin Physics
Skalozub V. (Dnepropetrovsk National Univ.) Gulov A. |
Renormalization Group Relations and Model-Independent Searchs for Z' within the Data of LEP Experiments
|  |
Skvortsov E. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Gauge Fields in (anti)-de Sitter Space and Connections of its Symmetry Algebra
|  |
Slavnov A. (Steklov Inst., Moscow)
A Lorentz Invariant Gauge for the Yang-Mills Theory Free of Gribov Ambiguity
|  |
Smilga A. (Subatech, Univ. de Nantes)
Comments on Thermodynamics of Supersymmetric Matrix Models
|  |
Smilga A. (Subatech, Univ. de Nantes)
Energy Losses in Hot Plasma Revisited
|  |
Sobyanin D. (Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology) Istomin Ya. |
Formation of a Pulsar Magnetosphere from a Strongly Magnetized Vacuum
|  |
Sokoloff D. (Moscow Univ.) Artyushkova M., Popova H. |
Solar Cycle: New Asymptotic Solutions for Dynamo Equations
|  |
Sol H. (Observ. de Paris-Meudon)
Observing the Sky at Very High Energy Gamma-Rays: Current Results and Perspective with CTA, the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Sorin A. (JINR, Dubna) Fre P. |
Supergravity Black Holes and Billiards and Liouville Integrable Structure of Dual Borel Algebras
|  |
Sorokin D. (INFN, Padova)
Type IIA String in AdS4 x CP3 Superspace
|  |
Spill F. (Imperial College, London)
Yangian Doubles of Lie Superalgebras and Their R-matrices
| |
Spiridonov V. (JINR, Dubna) G.Vartanov |
Superconformal Indices for N=1 Theories with Multiple Duals
| |
Starobinsky A. (Landau Inst., Chernogolovka)
Present Status of f(R) Models of Inflation and Dark Energy
|  |
Stelle K. (Imperial College London) Bossard G., Nicolai H. |
Universal BPS Structure of Stationary Supergravity Solutions
|  |
Studenikin A. (Moscow Univ.)
Overview of Electromagnetic Properties of Neutrinos
|  |
Sundell P. (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) Boulanger N., Iazeolla C., Sezgin E. |
Geometry, Invariants and Integrability in Higher-Spin Gauge Theory
| |
Suslov I. (Kapitza Inst. for Physical Problems, Moscow)
Is There 2D Anderson Transition?
|  |
Tatischeff V. (CSNSM (CNRS/IN2P3 & Univ. Paris-Sud))
Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in Radio Supernovae
|  |
Teryaev O. (JINR, Dubna)
Sum Rules for Spin-Dependent Parton Distributions, Gravitational Formfactors and Equivalence Principle
|  |
Tikhodeev S. (General Physics Inst., Moscow)
Plasmon-Polariton Metamaterials
|  |
Toporensky A. (Sternberg Inst., Moscow)
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics in Scalar Field Cosmology
| |
Toptygin I. (S.-Petersburg State Polytechnical Univ.)
Large Scale Magnetic Field Generation by Accelerated Particles in Galactic Medium
|  |
Tseytlin A. (Imperial College, London)
Quantum Strings in AdS5 x S5
|  |
Tureanu A. (Dep. of Physics, Univ. of Helsinki and Helsinki Inst. of Physics)
Symmetries of Noncommutative Quantum Field and Gauge Theories
|  |
Uspenskii Yu. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Kulatov E., Titov A. |
First-Principles Calculations of Materials Promising for Nanoelectronics
|  |
Uzdensky D. (Princeton Univ.)
Magnetic Reconnection in Astrophysics
|  |
Van Proeyen A. (Katholieke Univ. Leuven)
The Embedding-Tensor Formalism with Fields and Antifields
Vanhove P. (IHES & Inst. Physique Theor., CEA-Saclay)
Simplicity in the Structure of N=8 Supergravity Amplitudes
|  |
Vasiliev M. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Conformal Higher-Spin Gauge Theories
|  |
Venugopalan R. (Brookhaven National Lab.)
High energy factorization, Long Range Rapidity Correlations and a Ridge in A+A collisions at RHIC & LHC
|  |
Vernov S. (Skobeltsyn Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Moscow Univ.) Aref'eva I., Bulatov N., Joukovskaya L. |
The NEC Violation and Classical Stability
|  |
Vikman A. (CCPP, New York Univ.)
Spontaneous Lorentz Symmetry Breaking and Horizons
|  |
Volkov M. (LMPT, Univ. of Tours)
Stationary Ring Solitons in Field Theory - Knots and Vortons
|  |
Volkov M. (LMPT, Univ. of Tours)
Superconducting Non-Abelian Strings in Weinberg-Salam Theory - Electroweak Thunderbolts
|  |
Volovich I. (Steklov Inst., Moscow)
Sakharov`s Extra Timelike Dimensions and Hawking`s Chronology Protection Conjecture
Vysotsky M. (ITEP, Moscow) Kamyshkov Yu., Tithof J. |
Bounds on New Light Particles from Very Small Momentum Transfer Neutron-Proton Elastic Scattering Data
|  |
Woodard R. (Univ. of Florida)
A Phenomenological Model of Inflation from Quantum Gravity
|  |
Zaikin A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow & Forschungszentrum, Karlsruhe) Golubev D., Kalenkov M. |
Interplay between Crossed Andreev Reflection and Disorder: Zero-Bias Anomaly and Charge Imbalance Peak
|  |
Zaitsev A. (IHEP, Protvino)
The ATLAS Detector: Status and Plans
|  |
Zakharov A. (ITEP, Moscow)
Gravitational Lensing: from Micro to Nano
|  |
Zakharov B. (Landau Inst., Chernogolovka)
Mass Dependence of Radiative Quark Energy Loss in QCD Matter
|  |
Zakharov V. (Max Planck Inst. for Physics, Muenchen)
Deconfinement Phase Transition in Mirror of Symmetries
| |
Zamolodchikov A. (Landau Inst., Chernogolovka & Rudgers Univ.)
Confining Interactions in 1+1, and 't Hooft's Model of Mesons
|  |
Zarand G. (Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics)
Geometric Spin Decay in Confined Mesoscopic Systems
|  |
Zarembo K. (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris)
Integrability in Superconformal Chern-Simons Theory and AdS(4)/CFT(3)
|  |
Zarubin A. (JINR, Dubna) Golutvin I. |
LHC, CMS, RDMS – Status and Plans
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Zaslavskii O. (Astronomical Inst. of Kharkov National Univ.)
Quasi-Black Holes
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Zein N. (Kurchatov Inst., Moscow) Savrasov S., Kotliar G. |
GW+DMFT Approach for Electronic Structure Calculations in Real Compounds
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Zhukovsky V. (Moscow State Univ.) Bubnov A., Kharlanov O. |
Vacuum Polarization and Casimir Effect within (3+1)D Maxwell-Chern-Simons Electrodynamics with Lorentz Violation
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Zinoviev Yu. (IHEP, Protvino)
On Frame-Like Gauge Invariant Formulation for Massive Mixed Symmetry Fields
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Zupnik B. (JINR, Dubna)
N=6 Chern-Simons Theory in Harmonic Superspace
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