Antoniadis I. (CERN)
Aspects of String Phenomenology
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Andreev O. (Techn.Univ., Munich & Landau Inst., Chernogolovka)
String Free Energy, Hagedorn and Gauge/String Duality
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Arutyunov G. (Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht Univ.)
Towards the Exact Spectrum of the AdS5 x S5 Superstring. I
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Bandos I. (Ikerbasque, Basque Country Univ.)
SDiff Invariant Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson Model and Its N=8 Superspace Formulation(s)
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Bars I. (Univ. of Southern California)
Super Yang-Mills Theory in 10+2 Dimensions as Another Step toward M-Theory
Baulieu L. (LPTHE, Univ. Paris VI)
Soft Breaking of BRST Invariance for Introducing Non-Perturbative Infrared Effects in a Local and Renormalizable Way
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Beisert N. (Max Planck Inst. for Gravitational Phys., Golm)
Dynamic N = 4 Superconformal Symmetry
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Bekaert X. (LMPT, Univ. of Tours)
On Higher Spin Interactions with a Scalar Field
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Bengtsson A. (School of Engineering, Univ. of Boras)
Spacetime Pictures of Higher Spin Gauge Interactions
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Bergshoeff E. (Univ. of Groningen)
A New Massive Gravity Theory in Three Dimnesions
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Boulanger N. (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
The Unfolding of General Tensor Fields in AdS
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Brink L. (Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Goteborg)
Exceptional Symmetries in the Light-Cone Gauge and Possible Counter Terms
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Buchbinder I. (Dep. of Theoretical Physics, Tomsk State Pedagogical Univ.)
Gauge Invariant Approach to Lagrangian Constructions for Higher Spin Field Theories
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Campoleoni A. (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
Lagrangians for Unconstrained Bose and Fermi Fields of Mixed Symmetry
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Cederwall M. (Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Goteborg)
Operators on Pure Spinor Spaces
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de Boer J. (Inst. Theoretical Phys., Amsterdam)
Macroscopic Quantum Effects near Black Holes
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de Teramond G. (Univ. of Costa Rica) Brodsky S. |
Light-Front Holography and Gauge/Gravity Duality: Applications to Hadronic Physics
de Wit B. (Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht Univ.)
Near-Horizon Analysis of D=5 BPS Black Holes and Rings
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Didenko V. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Vasiliev M. |
Towards Black Holes in Higher Spin Gauge Theory
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Dorn H. (Humboldt Univ. Berlin)
On Timelike and Spacelike Minimal Surfaces in AdSn and the Alday-Maldacena Conjecture
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Forini V. (Max Planck Inst. for Gravitational Phys., Golm)
Reciprocity in AdS/CFT
Francia D. (AstroParticle and Cosmology, Univ. Paris VII)
On Unconstrained Higher Spins of Any Symmetry
Frolov S. (Trinity College, Dublin)
Towards the Exact Spectrum of the AdS5 x S5 superstring. II
Gorsky A. (ITEP, Moscow)
Quantum Geometry of the Momentum Space and Amplitudes in N=4 SYM Theory
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Hull C. (Imperial College, London)
Double Field Theory, String Theory and Duality
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Iazeolla C. (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
A Fibre Approach to Harmonic Analysis of Unfolded Higher-Spin Field Equations
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Itoyama H. (Osaka City Univ.)
Deviation of Ads Minimal Area from BDS Extrapolation at a Wavy Circle
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Kazakov V. (Ecole Normale Superieure & Univ. Paris VI)
Towards the Full Exact Spectrum of Planar AdS/CFT
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Klebanov I. (Princeton Univ.)
The Squashed, Stretched and Warped Gets Perturbed
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Krykhtin V. (Tomsk State Pedagogical Univ.)
Lagrangian Formulation of Massive Fermionic Totally Antisymmetric Tensor Field Theory in AdSd Space
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Manvelyan R. (Yerevan Physics Inst.)
Off-Shell Construction of Some Trilinear Higher Spin Gauge Field Interactions
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McLoughlin T. (Max Planck Inst. for Gravitational Phys., Golm)
Scattering Amplitudes in Supersymmetric Chern-Simons Matter Theories
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Papadopoulos G. (King's College London)
Geometry Supersymmetric Backgrounds
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Reshetnyak A. (Inst. of Strength Physics and Material Scien., Tomsk)
BFV-BRST Operators and Fock Space Realizations of Verma Modules for Non-Linear Superalgebras Underlying Lagrangian Formulations for Mixed-Symmetry HS Fields in AdS Spaces
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Roiban R. (Pennsylvania State Univ.)
Scattering Amplitudes in N=4 Super-Yang-Mills and N=8 Supergravity
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Samsonov I. (Tomsk Polytechnic Univ.)
N=3 Superfield Formulation of the ABJM and BLG Models
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Samtleben H. (Univ. of Lyon)
Tensor Hierarchies and the Trombone
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Skvortsov E. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Gauge Fields in (anti)-de Sitter Space and Connections of its Symmetry Algebra
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Sorokin D. (INFN, Padova)
Type IIA String in AdS4 x CP3 Superspace
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Stelle K. (Imperial College London) Bossard G., Nicolai H. |
Universal BPS Structure of Stationary Supergravity Solutions
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Sundell P. (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) Boulanger N., Iazeolla C., Sezgin E. |
Geometry, Invariants and Integrability in Higher-Spin Gauge Theory
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Van Proeyen A. (Katholieke Univ. Leuven)
The Embedding-Tensor Formalism with Fields and Antifields
Vanhove P. (IHES & Inst. Physique Theor., CEA-Saclay)
Simplicity in the Structure of N=8 Supergravity Amplitudes
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Zarembo K. (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris)
Integrability in Superconformal Chern-Simons Theory and AdS(4)/CFT(3)
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Zinoviev Yu. (IHEP, Protvino)
On Frame-Like Gauge Invariant Formulation for Massive Mixed Symmetry Fields
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