Andrianov A. (Univ. of Barselona, ICCUB & S.-Petersburg Univ.) Andrianov V., Espriu D. |
Spontaneous Parity Violation in Hot and Dense Baryon Matter in QCD Motivated Hadronic Models
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Belotelov I. (JINR, Dubna)
Dimuon physics with CMS
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Boos E. (Skobeltsyn Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Moscow Univ.)
Top Quark Physics
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Danilov M. (ITEP, Moscow)
Physics and Detectors at ILC
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Diakonov D. (S.-Petersburg Nuclear Physics Inst.) Petrov V. |
Confinement from Dyons
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Dremin I. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
QCD in the Nuclear Matter and Cherenkov Gluons
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Ginzburg I. (Sobolev Inst. of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
Phase Transitions in 2HDM During Universe Expansion and Present Values of Parameters. Problems for ILC & LHC
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Ioffe B. (ITEP, Moscow)
Chirality Violating Vacuum Condensates in QCD
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Kaidalov A. (ITEP, Moscow)
Nuclear Shadowing and Heavy Ion Collisions
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Kharzeev D. (Brookhaven National Lab.)
Topologically Induced Local P and CP Violation in Hot QCD Matter
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Kotikov A. (JINR, Dubna)
Small-x Behavior of Parton Densities and the Structure Function F2 for "Frozen" and Analytic Strong-Coupling Constants
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Leonidov A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Kirakosyan M., Nechitailo V. |
Stochastic Jet Quenching in Nuclear Collisions
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Llewellyn Smith C. (Oxford Univ.)
The Role of Sum Rules in the Discovery of the Standard Model
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Novikov V. (ITEP, Moscow)
Radiative Corrections, New Physics and LHC
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Polikarpov M. (ITEP, Moscow)
Lattice Study of Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Gluodynamics with Background Magnetic Field
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Simonov Yu. (ITEP, Moscow)
Gluelumps and Confinement
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Sissakian A. (JINR, Dubna) Sorin A. |
The Nuclotron-Based Ion Collider Facility at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research: New Prospects for Heavy Ion Collisions and Spin Physics
Skalozub V. (Dnepropetrovsk National Univ.) Gulov A. |
Renormalization Group Relations and Model-Independent Searchs for Z' within the Data of LEP Experiments
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Smilga A. (Subatech, Univ. de Nantes)
Energy Losses in Hot Plasma Revisited
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Studenikin A. (Moscow Univ.)
Overview of Electromagnetic Properties of Neutrinos
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Teryaev O. (JINR, Dubna)
Sum Rules for Spin-Dependent Parton Distributions, Gravitational Formfactors and Equivalence Principle
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Venugopalan R. (Brookhaven National Lab.)
High energy factorization, Long Range Rapidity Correlations and a Ridge in A+A collisions at RHIC & LHC
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Volkov M. (LMPT, Univ. of Tours)
Superconducting Non-Abelian Strings in Weinberg-Salam Theory - Electroweak Thunderbolts
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Vysotsky M. (ITEP, Moscow) Kamyshkov Yu., Tithof J. |
Bounds on New Light Particles from Very Small Momentum Transfer Neutron-Proton Elastic Scattering Data
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Zaitsev A. (IHEP, Protvino)
The ATLAS Detector: Status and Plans
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Zakharov B. (Landau Inst., Chernogolovka)
Mass Dependence of Radiative Quark Energy Loss in QCD Matter
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Zakharov V. (Max Planck Inst. for Physics, Muenchen)
Deconfinement Phase Transition in Mirror of Symmetries
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Zarubin A. (JINR, Dubna) Golutvin I. |
LHC, CMS, RDMS – Status and Plans
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