Allen B. (Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover)
Gravitational Wave Astronomy
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Altshuler B. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Unexpected Physical Contents of the Fluxbrane Throat-Like Solutions in Type IIA and Type IIB Supergravities
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Andrianov A. (Univ. of Barselona, ICCUB & S.-Petersburg Univ.) Cannata F., Kamenshchik A., Regoli D. |
Stable Phantom Cosmology Based on (C)PT Symmetry
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Aref'eva I. (Steklov Inst., Moscow)
Catalysis of Black Holes Production at the LHC
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Babichev E. (AstroParticle and Cosmology, Univ. Paris VII)
Spherically Symmetric Solutions in Massive Gravity and the Vainshtein Mechanism
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Barvinsky A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
CFT Driven Cosmology and the DGP/CFT Correspondence
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Berezin V. (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow)
Classical Analogs of Quantum Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom Black Holes
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Chen C.-M. (Nation Central Univ., Taiwan)
Dilatonic Black Holes in Gauss-Bonnet Gravity
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Filippov A. (JINR, Dubna)
On Einstein - Weyl Unified Model of Gravity, Dark Energy and Dark Matter: a Brief History and the New Interpretation, Simplest Dimensional Reductions, Static and Cosmological Solutions
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Frolov A. (Simon Frazer Univ.)
Primordial Non-Gaussianity from Preheating
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Frolov V. (Univ. of Alberta)
Black Holes and Hidden Symmetries
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Fursaev D. (JINR, Dubna)
Quantum Entanglement, Topology, and Entropy of a Wormhole
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Giddings S. (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara)
Think Globally - Observe Locally
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Grib A. (Herzen State Pedagog. Univ., S.-Petersburg) Pavlov Yu. |
On the Hypothesis of Superheavy Particles as Particles of Dark Matter
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Kamenev A. (Univ. of Minnesota)
Dynamic Correlation Functions of 1D Quantum Liquids
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Kamenshchik A. (Univ. of Bologna, Landau Inst., Chernogolovka) Barvinsky A., Kiefer C., Starobinsky A., Steinwachs C. |
Asymptotic Freedom in Inflationary Cosmology with a Non-Minimally Coupled Higgs Field
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Katanaev M. (Steklov Inst., Moscow)
Inside the BTZ Black Hole
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Koshelev A. (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles & International Solvay Institutes)
String Field Theory Rolling Tachion, Non-Locality and Dark Energy
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Linde A. (Stanford Univ.)
Inflationary Multiverse and String Theory Landscape
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Matveev A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Unfolded Description of AdS4 Black Hole
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Meierovich B. (Kapitza Inst. for Physical Problems, Moscow)
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Multidimensional Gravity. Vector Order Parameter
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Mensky M. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Path Group and Quantum Equivalence Principle
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Mottola E. (Los Alamos National Lab.)
Macroscopic Quantum Effects in Gravity: Dark Energy and Condensate Stars
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Rubakov V. (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow)
Towards a Consistent Theory of Massive Spin-2 Field of Geometric Origin
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Sasaki M. (Kyoto Univ.)
Non-Gaussian Curvature Perturbations from Multi-Brid Inflation
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Sawicki I. (CCPP, New York Univ.)
Dark Matter via Many Copies of the Standard Model
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Sibiryakov S. (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne & Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) Dubovsky S. |
Sigma Models for Lorentz Group and Superluminal Propagation in Two Dimensions
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Sorin A. (JINR, Dubna) Fre P. |
Supergravity Black Holes and Billiards and Liouville Integrable Structure of Dual Borel Algebras
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Starobinsky A. (Landau Inst., Chernogolovka)
Present Status of f(R) Models of Inflation and Dark Energy
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Toporensky A. (Sternberg Inst., Moscow)
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics in Scalar Field Cosmology
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Vernov S. (Skobeltsyn Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Moscow Univ.) Aref'eva I., Bulatov N., Joukovskaya L. |
The NEC Violation and Classical Stability
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Volkov M. (LMPT, Univ. of Tours)
Stationary Ring Solitons in Field Theory - Knots and Vortons
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Vikman A. (CCPP, New York Univ.)
Spontaneous Lorentz Symmetry Breaking and Horizons
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Volovich I. (Steklov Inst., Moscow)
Sakharov`s Extra Timelike Dimensions and Hawking`s Chronology Protection Conjecture
Woodard R. (Univ. of Florida)
A Phenomenological Model of Inflation from Quantum Gravity
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Zaslavskii O. (Astronomical Inst. of Kharkov National Univ.)
Quasi-Black Holes
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