Barnich G. (Universite Libre de Bruxelles & International Solvay Institutes)
New Aspects of Duality for Electromagnetism, Gravitation and Higher Spin Gauge Fields
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Belavin A. (Landau Inst., Chernogolovka) Zamolodchikov A. |
On the Correlation Numbers in Minimal Gravity and Matrix Models
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Bering K. (Masaryk Univ., Brno)
A Comparative Study of Laplacians in Riemannian and Antisymplectic Geometry
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Efimov G. (JINR, Dubna)
On Bound States in QFT
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Grigoriev M. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Local BRST Cohomology and the Inverse Problem of Variational Calculus for Sigma Models of AKSZ Type
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Kadyshevsky V. (JINR, Dubna)
On New Concept of Local Quantum Field
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Kazakov D. (JINR, Dubna & ITEP, Moscow) Bork L., Vartanov G., Zhiboedov A. |
Infrared-Finite Observables in N=4 SYM Theory
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Lavrov P. (Tomsk State Pedagogical Univ.)
BRST Structure for Quadratically Nonlinear Superalgebras
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Lipatov L. (S.-Petersburg Nuclear Physics Inst. & Hamburg Univ.)
Integrability of High Energy Scattering Amplitudes in QCD and in N=4 SUSY
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Lukierski J. (Univ. of Wroclaw)
Galilean Conformal and Superconformal Symmetries
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Lyakhovich S. (Tomsk Univ.)
Gauge Symmetry of Local Non-Lagrangian Dynamics
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Makeenko Yu. (ITEP, Moscow)
Duality Between Wilson Loops and Scattering Amplitudes in QCD
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Man'ko V. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Probability Instead of Wave Function - a Review of New Theoretical and Experimental Results
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Marshakov A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow & ITEP, Moscow) Yung A. |
Monodromies and Confinement in Supersymmetric QCD
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Mironov A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow & ITEP, Moscow)
Matrix Models Inspired Constructions for Topological Theories
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Olshanetsky M. (ITEP, Moscow)
Monopoles and Integrable Systems
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Rychkov V. (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
The Miracle of Conformal Bootstrap in 4-Dimensions
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Semikhatov A. (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
Kazhdan–Lusztig Duality in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory
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Slavnov A. (Steklov Inst., Moscow)
A Lorentz Invariant Gauge for the Yang-Mills Theory Free of Gribov Ambiguity
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Smilga A. (Subatech, Univ. de Nantes)
Comments on Thermodynamics of Supersymmetric Matrix Models
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Spill F. (Imperial College, London)
Yangian Doubles of Lie Superalgebras and Their R-Matrices
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Spiridonov V. (JINR, Dubna) G.Vartanov |
Superconformal Indices for N=1 Theories with Multiple Duals
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Tureanu A. (Dep. of Physics, Univ. of Helsinki and Helsinki Inst. of Physics)
Symmetries of Noncommutative Quantum Field and Gauge Theories
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Zamolodchikov A. (Landau Inst., Chernogolovka & Rudgers Univ.)
Confining Interactions in 1+1, and 't Hooft's Model of Mesons
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Zupnik B. (JINR, Dubna)
N=6 Chern-Simons Theory in Harmonic Superspace
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